
Endodontics - Dental Office


Endodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the dental pulp. Dental pulp, “dental marrow” (lat. Pulpa dentis) is a soft tissue located inside the tooth, in the cavity (pulp space) located in the center of the tooth and protected from irritation by hard dental tissues. The dental pulp has multiple, important roles. It nourishes the tooth, makes it vital, sensitive and protected. It contains blood vessels, nerve fibers, connective fibers, and numerous cells.

Reasons why endodontic therapy is necessary:

Diseases of the pulp tissue occur primarily due to extensive caries that destroyed the hard tissues of enamel and dentine, but they can also develop after trauma to the teeth, underneath defective and large fillings, and in some cases with the presence of advanced periodontal diseases.

In complicated cases, the infection can spread from the pulp tissue to the bone near the tip of the tooth root, creating a so-called periapical processes.

Some of the symptoms and signs that indicate the possibility of pulp disease are:

– Painful tooth sensitivity to temperature changes that lasts for a long time and increases,

– Pulsating toothache,

– Appearance of swelling or fistula

– Tooth sensitivity to biting

– Tooth discoloration

Endodontic therapy:

Before starting endodontic therapy, it is necessary to do a detailed examination, which usually includes several tests and a mandatory X-ray of the teeth. Endodontic therapy or root canal treatment is a procedure that aims to first remove caries, then remove diseased dental pulp tissue, and the pulp space itself to be cleaned, expanded and shaped by chemical and mechanical means, and finally filled with materials for definitive filling.

Given that the pulp space itself is highly variable in appearance, the prescribing physician will give an opinion and assessment of the course and success of endodontic therapy. In complicated cases, when there is a periapical process, it is recommended to do control X-rays to monitor the success of the entire therapy (the so-called “follow-up” examination).

Completion of endodontic therapy:

After the endodontic therapy, the tooth is free of pain, swelling and other symptoms, and the X-ray image shows adequate and definitive filling of all root canals. The lost part of the dental crown is compensated with a filling. If a large part of the natural tooth crown is lost, it is recommended to provide such a tooth with a prosthetic crown..

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