Muhidina Poljak

Muhidina Poljak - Dental Office

Muhidina Poljak

Stomatološka asistentica

Stručna osposobljenost, specijalistički pristup, najkvalitetniji materijali, moderna oprema i rendgen dijagnostika će učiniti Vašu posjetu Dental Office-u ugodnom, sigurnom i bezbolnom.
Opšta stomatologija

Poljak Muhidina was born in Sarajevo in 1992.  She graduated from dental assisting/technical high school in 2012.  She worked for several years in dental private practices in Sarajevo where she gained experience in different fields od dentistry.  Muhidina is a member of Dental Office since April 2022.

In October 2022 Anesa attended a Digital Smile Design course in Celje, Slovenia.  She received a certificate in Digital Smile Design.

Muhidina is attending courses in dentistry (OPG x-rays and 3-D x-rays).  In October 2022 Muhidina, attended a Digital Smile Design course in Celje, Slovenia.  She received a certificate in Digital Smile Design.

Muhidina is ambitious, positive, smart and devoted to continuous education.